We will give you a tracking number once the medications have been shipped and update you on the status of your delivery. You can track it from the My Account section on our website or use the tracking number we have provided to track it on our logistics partner’s website.

Delivery times vary from country to country, are also based on the medications you order, and are subject to customs clearance. Usually, it takes 7-15 days for customs clearance & delivery. Please contact our Support Team if you would like a more precise delivery time estimate for your selected medication.

We usually ship through EMS, DHL, FedEx & USPS. It depends on the country where we are shipping & delivery time.

The prescription should contain the following details:\r\n\r\nPatient’s name and age\r\nName of the medicine & dosage with quantity\r\nDoctor’s name & Signature\r\nDoctor’s stamp and/or registration number\r\n\r\nPlease be advised that one of our staff members or the processing pharmacy may contact your doctor to verify the prescription.

For reasons of safety, your doctor must oversee the treatment. Your treating physician’s prescription serves as proof of their support for you. Additionally, the prescription is required by the pharmacy & customs to dispatch and release the medicines when it arrives in your country.

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